poetry died just before summer
a phone charger fell in the middle of the room
remembered sex
I prayed to neon gods
so hard to see a good thing pass
touched by the snow, she gave me a discount
these apps
hates the rich
hydrangeas are her favorite
Vfiles in the Hamptons
Lyme disease then a few months of pills
aged into normatively
a subtle thing to say
spent on fantasy
the skaters vaping to Lil B
on the Venice boardwalk
I took a moment
a love once new grows old
hot pink
then floated in the pool
the weather is your boyfriend
I want to buy you something
supernatural sky
we argue
you storm off
I push my hands through my hair
rain soaks a metallic bronze Volvo
it is part of the set
the producers check the gate
the actors can leave
I was into ideas
the thinking
poetry better left
summer’s over
this is genius what you’re doing here
and your performance at the party
moving so effortlessly among striations of wealth
your performance at the protest
do you feel like going out tonight?
pedro with her makeup on
toni and the limit
can’t you guess?
that boy you’d been fucking
his snake plant
I would die for your art
but I would never die for mine
I felt so bad
when Cara Delavingne dropped her coke
just as I had
in public, one afternoon
neon in daylight is a pleasure
when I close my eyes
I want to live in a different world
where music I already listen to
means different things
so I can like it more
BEN FAMA is the author of the artist book Mall Witch, as well as several chapbooks and pamphlets. In 2015 Ugly Duckling Presse will publish Fantasy, his first full length book of poems.